Thursday, September 3, 2009

Why I insist on being Blue!

Why is it that American TV "news" organizations have persisted over the past several election cycles in referring to states carried by Democratic presidential candidates as Blue states, while those carried by Republican candidates are called Red states?  This practice has always been at variance with the practice in England, Canada and other countries, where the more conservative parties have been represented as true Blue, while the more "progressive" parties have been allowed to retain the Red colors their history has always seemed to favor.

This seems to me to be even more ironic(and, inaccurate) these days, when the Democratic party seems to have been taken over almost completely by the more extreme "progressive, "socialist", "communist", or "fascist" elements of their party.  In fact, I think that last years "Riefenstahl" convention in Denver, should have given the media organizations sufficient notice and they could have modified this tradition in time for the election last November.

They did not do so!

Therefore, I am this day announcing my own one-man counter-revolution and from this day forward I will always refer to my current home state (Arizona) as a Blue state, my congressional district as a Blue district, etc.  I will now have 3 years and a couple of months to persuade my fellow Blue staters, the Red staters and of course the media.

Off the top of my head, I can think of 3 immediate (and possibly persuasive) arguments in favor of starting this now.

1.  I suspect blue will look much better on all those blond conservative women who show up every day on Fox News. This, should be persuasive to both conservatives and "progressives" who happen to be men.

2. Red, will certainly look  better on those Code Pink loonies, who show up in the background of Congressional hearings on C-SPAN. This should be persuasive to these folks, since red will show up much better on the TV cameras.

3. "Progressives" will have at least one ready made pejorative that they will be able to use immediately to label those of us who disagree with them.  And, this is very persuasive to me, since I've always had a hankering to be called a "Blue meanie"!

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