Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Thomas Granger Day is one week away!

One week from today marks the anniversary of the death by public hanging of 17 year old Thomas Granger on September 8, 1642, in Plymouth, Massachusetts.  Young Mr. Granger had been convicted the previous day after publicly confessing to committing "buggery with a mare, a cow, two goats, diverse sheep, two calves, and a turkey".  The court had consisted of the entire assembled adult population of Plymouth, and they had to use Biblical law to decide on a punishment, as they were not then under any other legal jurisdiction.

Now, it seem to me that the time has come for our new Congress, believing as it does in promoting "Change we can believe in", to reconvene in time to declare September 8 a national holiday.  Because, thus far, in this country's entire checkered past we have resisted any and all attempts to honor even one of the vast assortment of sexual perverts that have contributed so much to American history and culture.

The time is now! We have vast numbers of people who have spent the summer of 2009 fawning over a dead pedophile and a dead murderer! These people are ready!  The American people are ready!

And, even though it's probably too late this year, such a holiday next year could provide some degree of "stimulus" to America's greeting card industry*.  And, it would come just at a time when Congress wants all of the citizenry to be thinking "progressive" for the upcoming mid-term elections.

*Perhaps, people could make do this year with re-cycled Thanksgiving cards which pictures of turkeys.

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1 comment:

  1. http://drtomstevens.blogspot.com/2011/12/thomas-granger-day-organized-by.html
